Toshiba Products
Phones Plus has delivered professional phone services to businesses around Janesville, Madison and Rockford for over 35 years, and for almost all of that time, Toshiba Telecommunications was a large part of the solutions that we provided. And because the Toshiba systems are so reliable, you probably have not thought about replacing it.
In 2017 it was announced Toshiba would be closing its doors. Mitel Networks shortly afterward announced they would purchase Toshiba Telecommunications and all its assets, and on October 1st, 2017 the transition was completed. On August 8th, 2018, Mitel announced the decision to discontinue the Toshiba CIX and IPEdge product lines. As of October 31st, 2018 they no longer sold any new systems (including new system licenses, processors or cabinets, and voicemail systems), and on October 31st, 2019 they stopped selling all new add-on devices and licenses (including phones, cards, licenses for ports and features). As of October 31st, 2021 all support for Toshiba products will be discontinued.
What this means for you: All systems, including CIX and IPEdge systems and voice mail systems will continue to function. We also have an inventory of parts and phones to maintain current systems. What we haven’t been able to do after October 31st, 2019 is to add new licensing or extend out the support license. All systems will continue to run after all the above dates, barring a hardware failure. Before October 31st, 2021, Mitel announced they will allow license transfers for equipment failure, after that date the ability to restore a hardware failure will depend on our inventory and availability of parts with a compatible license.
Again, both CIX systems and IPEdge systems will continue to function as normal past all the dates, but NOW is the time to plan for replacing your Toshiba system on your timetable, and not because you have a catastrophic equipment failure.
Although we have been a Toshiba dealer since 1984, we also sell two other product lines that can replace your Toshiba system. If you would like to proactively get a quote, please contact us. We will continue to service our Toshiba systems to the best we can into the future, and we will continue to sell telecommunication systems and service for our current product lines.
For further questions please contact your sales rep. If you do not know your sales rep or their contact information, feel free to contact us.