Why Cloud Technology is an Asset for Small Businesses

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

While Ferris Bueller may have used this line to justify skipping out on school, his idea can be related to nearly anything, including the world of business. As any small business owner will tell you, keeping up with the larger companies in their industry can be difficult and now more than ever, staying up-to-date on the most recent technological advancements key to staying competitive.

Communications, specifically, are where enterprise technology is presently making the biggest impact. There are some smaller companies that feel they can’t justify a use for a cloud-based business phone solution, but they more than likely fail to see the consequences of not utilizing this technology.

“In the world of small business, it can be difficult for many leaders to warrant making capital investments, especially if their budgets are tight,” writes Brian Walsh, a Marlin Finance contributor. “However, a number of potential purchases can do more than just make their daily lives easier by helping develop new forms of revenue.”

The modern capabilities of consumer technology plus the potential benefits to seeking out cloud phone services are what make the exploration of new communications networks a worthwhile investment. Small businesses should seek out these types of solutions, even if they aren’t ready to make a purchasing decision just yet.

Cloud telephony changing enterprise telecom

Part of what makes the cloud an asset for small business phone systems lies in the walls it takes down. Setting up effective networks on national and global scales has long been a challenge for many small businesses hoping to grow within their industry. But by leveraging the cloud, companies that operate with fewer resources can gain some footing when competing with larger entities. The wide availability of these tools and the lack of boundaries involved with accessing them make cloud telephony a valuable and obvious asset to organizations of any size. No matter where offices are located or employees may travel, they can all be able to work on the same lines as if they were sharing a workspace.

According to Mischa Communications, it is this – the distance that the cloud can travel – that showcases some of its greatest advantages.

“Whether your business is virtual, your team is global or you just want to provide more flexibility to your staff, a cloud infrastructure will change the way you think about doing business,” the company wrote on their website.

Improving customer experiences

But it’s not just about making things easier on your staff. The introduction of cloud telephony can also be crucial to improving relationships with a small business client base. Customers want to feel as though they’re in the best hands. Sometimes, lacking modern technological advantages can drive consumers away, as they feel their business is better spent at organizations that are more up-to-date with the latest technological trends. In short, if you’re not able to offer your clients the level of service they expect to receive, someone else will.